apparent work

英 [əˈpærənt wɜːk] 美 [əˈpærənt wɜːrk]

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  1. The advantage of studying overseas will gradually become more apparent as the returnees gain more work experience, said manager of EIGG, pointing out that they have an international perspective and the ability to communicate across different cultures.
  2. But at least some of the apparent value of a college degree, and maybe a lot of it, reflects the fact that employers can use it as a rough measure of job applicants 'intelligence and willingness to work hard.
  3. Despite the apparent setbacks, Mr. Zhang appears to be moving forward with his work unfazed.
  4. They provide what appears to be strong evidence of peer effects-but then demonstrate that these apparent effects are at work before the peers ever appear.
  5. On the other hand, during a period of apparent rest and unconscious work, certain of them are detached from the wall and put in motion.
  6. His apparent lack of interest in her work always annoyed her.
  7. If it becomes apparent during the work that the requested change is not feasible after all, the Modifier notifies the CCB Chair, who may then set the status to Canceled.
  8. "Agenda-setting" under Apparent Threshold University Ideological and Political Education Work
  9. In a statement, Judd Gregg said it had become apparent during the vetting process that his appointment would not work.
  10. You made it abundantly apparent that I don't work for you anymore.
  11. Institution can be comprehended as the carrier of knowledge that coordinates the work, while law system is the apparent way, which no man is in charge of, to coordinate the work.
  12. The rectification and reform plan drawn up by applying the principle of HACCP had the apparent merits such as very direct and efficient. It is practicable to apply the principle of HACCP to the administrative work of tableware disinfection.
  13. Saline water encroachment area can be divided into apparent encroachment and dormant encroachment. The first one is the spread of saline water towards freshwater in nature state, and the second is the fast spread of saline water towards freshwater because of human active work.
  14. The result shows that if Reynolds number of liquid flow in conduit is greater than the critical Reynolds number, an apparent drag reduction can be obtained under the condition that the adhesive work between inwall and liquid is smaller than the cohesive work of liquid.
  15. The protein structure solved NMR in this work shows that the mutation of key residues have no apparent effect on protein structures, although these mutations really influence the splicing activity. The solution structures solved in this work are similar to the crystal structure in literature.
  16. As social competition is becoming intenser, work stress problem become more apparent, high work stress made the organization and staff pay a heavy price.